Sterling’s Truths for Life: religion

  1. Sterling's Truths for Life #8: If you are comfortable with who God is and what He is doing, you’re doing it wrong.
  2. Sterling's Truths for Life #20: Without omniscience, faith is inescapable.
  3. Sterling's Truths for Life #23: The Bible is written for those who believe it.
  4. Sterling's Truths for Life #28: Some people really want the Bible to say anything other than what it actually says.
  5. Sterling's Truths for Life #35: It is not an insult to be called “sheep” as long as your shepherd is worthy.
  6. Sterling's Truths for Life #36: Science is merely the practice of reverse engineering the parts of the universe we observe and care about.
  7. Sterling's Truths for Life #41: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
  8. Sterling's Truths for Life #44: You will either be born twice or you will die twice.
  9. Sterling's Truths for Life #47: Most people want to appear holy, but only a very few want to be holy.
  10. Sterling's Truths for Life #52: There are no secrets or codes in the Bible.
  11. Sterling's Truths for Life #58: Even the worst tyrants must do some temporal good.
  12. Sterling's Truths for Life #59: Job teaches us that God does whatever he wants, but also that seemingly good friends may be worse than useless in a crisis.
  13. Sterling's Truths for Life #76: Only a false gospel can be completely explained in a few minutes.
  14. Sterling's Truths for Life #80: Everyone gets their day in court.
  15. Sterling's Truths for Life #84: Public schools are not a sacrament.
  16. Sterling's Truths for Life #96: If you find yourself in awe, you are engaged in worship.
  17. Sterling's Truths for Life #110: Multiverse Theory is not science.
  18. Sterling's Truths for Life #113: Do not carry your cross alone, even Jesus had help.
  19. Sterling's Truths for Life #135: That which a person will not permit to be mocked is sacred to that person.

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